2 November

How to Prepare Your Home Before an Earthquake Hits


Earthquakes are unpredictable natural disasters capable of causing significant destruction. While you can’t prevent an earthquake, you can take proactive steps to protect your home and family. From planning escape routes to reinforcing your home’s structure, preparing in advance can help minimize injuries and damage when disaster strikes. How to Plan for an Earthquake Preparation begins with a clear plan for your family. Discuss safety [...]

How to Prepare Your Home Before an Earthquake Hits2024-11-15T18:24:12-08:00
27 December

Top 4 Signs Your Los Angeles House Might Need A Foundation Repair


Los Angeles Foundation Repair Foundation cracks in Los Angeles are very common because in this city, we build our homes on top of soft clay soil that expands during our rainy seasons and contracts during our dry seasons.  This back-and-forth movement happens constantly, and it doesn’t just happen in one direction!  Incredibly, a home’s foundation can be lifted, moved, and set back down in a [...]

Top 4 Signs Your Los Angeles House Might Need A Foundation Repair2022-01-11T08:56:54-08:00
30 September

How do you know if your foundation needs repair?


How to tell if a home foundation needs repair We hear from so many of our clients that at some point during their home ownership, they ask themselves whether or not their home has foundation issues that need to be repaired.  More often than not, these homeowners head to their computer and Google, “foundation repair near me”” but that doesn’t have to be the first [...]

How do you know if your foundation needs repair?2024-07-21T12:32:38-07:00
22 July

The Importance of Seismic Retrofitting


If you live in an Earthquake prone area, then your property is in need of earthquake retrofitting.  With the correct seismic retrofitting solution, the total loss of your property and valuables can be minimized with a proactive approach. A basic definition of a seismic retrofitting is the modification of an existing structure to make them more resistant to seismic activity, ground motion or soil failure [...]

The Importance of Seismic Retrofitting2019-06-24T11:47:10-07:00
10 July

Earthquake Swarms are a Reminder to Be Prepared


In May, the city of Fontana noticed the beginnings of an earthquake swarm.  Currently, it has been approximately 1,000 small quakes.  While the swarms have been small and the majority are magnitudes under 3.0, there have been a few over 3.0 magnitude but still less than a 3.5. The U.S. Geological Survey now has the capability to detect much smaller magnitude earthquakes with technological advancements.  [...]

Earthquake Swarms are a Reminder to Be Prepared2024-11-29T12:54:38-08:00
5 June

Types of Residential And Commercial Foundation Repair Services That You May Require


Foundations that are structurally unsound can end up causing hazardous conditions in your home. How do you determine the best course of action when the foundation begins to display signs of damage and deterioration? Foundation repair specialists will first inquire about the type of foundation that you have, then will assess the extent of the damage and accordingly recommend the type of repair or replacement [...]

Types of Residential And Commercial Foundation Repair Services That You May Require2024-11-29T12:57:28-08:00
3 June

What Foundation Repair Specialists Think About House Leveling, Can This Problem be Resolved?


Floor leveling may not seem like a major problem, but it can still be annoying. The doors and windows won’t close, the squeaking of floors can ruin the aesthetics and if untreated it could turn into something much worse. In fact, unleveled floors might be a clue to a bigger issue in the foundation of your house. As soon as you notice the leveling issue [...]

What Foundation Repair Specialists Think About House Leveling, Can This Problem be Resolved?2024-11-29T12:58:22-08:00
24 April

Methods of Residential Foundation Repair


Foundation repair is not something you need on a regular basis, so most people don't know the process involved in residential foundation repair. Not the best Method for Marketing Unlike many other repair jobs, foundation repair is best left to professionals. Residential foundation repair is pretty common but because people don't need the service frequently, there is not much publicity or word-of-mouth going around. When [...]

Methods of Residential Foundation Repair2024-11-29T13:03:19-08:00
22 April

Things to Help You Estimate Residential Foundation Repair


Damage to the foundation of a building is scary to every homeowner not because it makes the entire structure weak but what's the cost a lot in repair. Residential foundation repair is not uncommon. It isn't just old houses that need foundation repair. Houses as young as two years old can also need foundation repair for various reasons. Foundation problems can either be a result of [...]

Things to Help You Estimate Residential Foundation Repair2024-11-29T13:03:53-08:00
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