29 May

How to Secure Your House Against a Natural Calamity With Earthquake Retrofitting


Unforeseen hazards or natural changes could lead to sudden or gradual degeneration of your home, which would mean considerable expenses for you to restore the house back to its stable condition. Construction and repair companies have come up with a number of permanent solutions to deal with the damages from soil erosion, expansion-contraction of soil or a seismic attack. Residential or commercial foundation repair methods [...]

How to Secure Your House Against a Natural Calamity With Earthquake Retrofitting2025-02-23T12:32:26-08:00
20 May

Soft Story Retrofit: Frequently Asked Questions


In this post, you’ll find the top questions we frequently get from our new clients about the Soft Story Retrofit Program. What is a Soft Story building? It’s a structure with a weaker first level. This type of building is useless to carry the weight of the floors above during particularly strong seismic shifts, or as we commonly call them, earthquakes. The first story generally [...]

Soft Story Retrofit: Frequently Asked Questions2025-02-23T12:32:15-08:00
13 May

Soft Story Retrofit Defined


Contrary to what many people believe, a Soft Story retrofit job is more specific than a general seismic risk assessment. The retrofit evaluation addresses a floor of a building that’s considerably weaker than the other floors. What is “Soft Story”? The term refers to one story of a building which is particularly more flexible or fragile in lateral load resistance than the foundation below it [...]

Soft Story Retrofit Defined2025-02-23T13:45:30-08:00
6 May

Soft Story Retrofit: What The Property Owners Need to Know


Property owners in Los Angeles and several other tiers 1 and 2 municipalities are often confused about the process involved in Soft Story retrofit, also commonly referred to as seismic retrofit. Let us break it down for you. In areas where seismic activity is a concern, a few types of construction are more high-risk than others. Buildings that are “Soft Story” must fortify in order [...]

Soft Story Retrofit: What The Property Owners Need to Know2025-02-23T12:32:13-08:00
1 May

5 Reasons Why You Need Soft Story Retrofitting is Crucial


Soft Story buildings are prone to earthquakes and could result in substantial loss of lives, profits, and investments. Therefore, Soft Story retrofitting is crucial. In case of strong sideways motion during an earthquake, the weak supports in the “soft” levels could easily collapse. This can lead the upper stories to fall onto the lower ones. In 1994, the same kind of collapse was induced by [...]

5 Reasons Why You Need Soft Story Retrofitting is Crucial2025-02-23T12:32:12-08:00
29 April

Everything You Need to Know About Soft Story Retrofitting Process in Los Angeles


If you are wondering how long a Soft Story retrofitting process take, this on-point, no-fluff guide is for you. First of all, the duration of the process depends on the existing way in which the LA building and safety regulations apply to the building structure. It also depends on how talented and experienced your licensed retrofitting architect is. If you are a building owner in [...]

Everything You Need to Know About Soft Story Retrofitting Process in Los Angeles2025-02-23T12:32:11-08:00
24 April

Methods of Residential Foundation Repair


Foundation repair is not something you need on a regular basis, so most people don't know the process involved in residential foundation repair. Not the best Method for Marketing Unlike many other repair jobs, foundation repair is best left to professionals. Residential foundation repair is pretty common but because people don't need the service frequently, there is not much publicity or word-of-mouth going around. When [...]

Methods of Residential Foundation Repair2025-02-23T12:32:10-08:00
22 April

Things to Help You Estimate Residential Foundation Repair


Damage to the foundation of a building is scary to every homeowner not because it makes the entire structure weak but what's the cost a lot in repair. Residential foundation repair is not uncommon. It isn't just old houses that need foundation repair. Houses as young as two years old can also need foundation repair for various reasons. Foundation problems can either be a result of [...]

Things to Help You Estimate Residential Foundation Repair2025-02-23T12:32:09-08:00
11 April

Soft Story Retrofit in Los Angeles: The Average Construction Costs


One of the most common questions we get during a site assessment is how much will a Soft Story retrofit process cost? Let’s dive into that today. When the mandatory Soft Story retrofit program in Los Angeles became an ordinance (Ordinance 183893) in October 2015, it was difficult to calculate the construction costs. But ever since then, more than 1,000 multistory properties have been retrofitted [...]

Soft Story Retrofit in Los Angeles: The Average Construction Costs2025-02-23T12:31:26-08:00
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