29 November

Thanksgiving Letter 2024


Dear clients and friends: I hope this letter finds you, your family, and all your friends healthy and safe! In just a few hours, so many of us will gather with our loved ones to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday, which is so important to the social fabric of our nation. This has not been an easy year to get through, and yet, we made it [...]

Thanksgiving Letter 20242024-11-29T13:38:43-08:00
8 December

Thanksgiving 2023


  Dear clients and friends: It is our fondest wish that this email finds you and all your loved ones in the best of health and spirits!  In what has been another trying year for so very many of us, we gather this week to celebrate our national holiday of Thanksgiving, which marks the raising and adoption of our great nation’s Constitution and democratic institutions. [...]

Thanksgiving 20232023-12-08T06:10:16-08:00
7 October

Thanksgiving 2022


Dear clients and friends: I hope this email finds you, your family, and friends, in the best of health and in great spirits! I am really so very pleased to write to you again on the occasion of our wonderful holiday of Thanksgiving! As many of you know, the first Thanksgiving took place just a few months after the Pilgrims settled in what is today [...]

Thanksgiving 20222023-12-08T06:04:19-08:00
6 October

Thanksgiving 2021


Dear clients, neighbors, and friends: I hope this letter finds you and your family healthy and safe! As we prepare to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday a bit later on this week, I wanted to take just a moment of your time to acknowledge the deep impact that this wonderful holiday has had on our American tradition. In late November 1789, when President George Washington called [...]

Thanksgiving 20212023-12-08T06:03:38-08:00
5 October

Thanksgiving 2020


Dear clients and friends: I hope this letter finds you and your family healthy and safe! In just a few days, families all over the country will be gathering to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday. This legendary holiday is rich with symbolism, giving thanks to God the Almighty for the many blessings that he has bestowed upon us throughout the year. As it so happens, the [...]

Thanksgiving 20202023-12-08T06:03:04-08:00
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