29 December

New Year 2023


Dear clients and friends: I trust this letter finds you, your family, and all of your friends, in great spirits and in terrific health!  We have all arrived at the end of what has certainly been a challenging year, but also one of promise.  This was the year when we finally pulled through the COVID-19 pandemic and for the most part, got our old lives [...]

New Year 20232023-12-29T06:51:24-08:00
5 October

New Year 2020


Dear clients and friends: I hope this letter finds you and your family healthy and safe on this important day, the day of Rosh Hashanah, the first day of the Jewish calendar! There is an important reason why this Jewish holiday is called “Rosh Hashana” and not just the “New Year”. In Hebrew, the word “Rosh” means “Head”, and as you know, the head is [...]

New Year 20202023-12-08T06:02:47-08:00
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