
20 November

Santa Monica & Torrance Soft Story Retrofit Program – UPDATE


THE CITY OF SANTA MONICA SOFT STORY RETROFITTING PROGRAM During the 1994 Northridge earthquake, the City of Santa Monica was hit hard, losing about 1,500 apartments, or about 5% of the city’s inventory of apartments.  Many of the damaged structures were wood-framed “Soft Story” multi-family residential apartment buildings, with car port parking on their ground floor, and above, apartment units supported by skinny poles which [...]

Santa Monica & Torrance Soft Story Retrofit Program – UPDATE2023-11-20T17:21:53-08:00
5 November

Have you prepared for the California Rainy Season


When you ask homeowners in the greater Los Angeles area what our weather is typically like, the answer is that we are known for having sunny skies and a mild, Mediterranean-like climate!  At the same time, our region does experience a unique phenomenon known as the “Rainy Season”, which occurs from about late Autumn to Early spring.  These months bring much-needed refreshing rain to our [...]

Have you prepared for the California Rainy Season2023-11-05T07:24:04-08:00
28 October

Common Damage Found During L.A. Balcony Inspection – 4 Part Series


Welcome to the fourth blog in our 4 part series, which provides owners of condominium buildings, as well as multi-unit residential apartment buildings, with information about their obligation to conduct balcony inspections and repairs, as required by the State of California’s “Balcony Inspection Laws”, also known as Senate Bills 326 and 721.  These two laws require the inspection and repair of damaged wood-framed “Exterior Elevated [...]

Common Damage Found During L.A. Balcony Inspection – 4 Part Series2023-11-05T07:12:06-08:00
18 October

What to expect during a balcony inspection project – 4 Part Series


Welcome to the third blog in a series of four, designed to help owners of multi-unit residential apartment buildings, as well as condominium buildings, understand their legally-mandated responsibilities to conduct balcony inspections and repairs!  We are, of course, referring to the requirements of California’s “Balcony Inspection Laws”, otherwise known as Senate Bills 326 and 721.  These laws require safety inspections and repair of damaged wood-framed [...]

What to expect during a balcony inspection project – 4 Part Series2023-11-05T06:48:52-08:00
9 October

Tips To Pick A Balcony Inspection And Repair Contractor in LA – 4 Part Series


This is the second blog in a series of four blogs that we will publish over the next few weeks, all having to do with the upcoming mandatory obligation of owners of multi-family residential apartment buildings and condominiums in the City of Los Angeles to conduct a thorough safety inspection and repair (if necessary) of their buildings’ wood-framed balconies and other exterior elevated elements (“EEE”) [...]

Tips To Pick A Balcony Inspection And Repair Contractor in LA – 4 Part Series2023-10-18T06:37:17-07:00
29 September

Importance of Balcony Inspections in LA – 4 Part Series


This is the first blog in a series of four blogs that we will publish over the next few weeks, all having to do with the upcoming legal requirement for residential and commercial apartment buildings in the City of Los Angeles to undertake mandatory safety inspections of balconies and other exterior elevated elements (“EEE”) such as decks, stairways, and walkways, and to repair such EEE, [...]

Importance of Balcony Inspections in LA – 4 Part Series2024-12-19T06:17:18-08:00
29 August

Waterproofing Your Basement: A Step-by-Step Homeowner’s Guide


Why does my home need basement waterproofing? As you well know, in just the last six months, multiple severe rain events hit Southern California homeowners like a sledgehammer.  Homeowners in the Greater Los Angeles area were particularly hard-hit by days and days of “atmospheric rivers” in March 2023, and then again, another knock-out punch by Tropical Storm Hillary, which hit in August of the same [...]

Waterproofing Your Basement: A Step-by-Step Homeowner’s Guide2023-08-29T09:50:15-07:00
16 August

Residents of Greater Los Angeles Apartments or Condos – Important Information


If you live in a residential apartment building or a condo building in Greater Los Angeles, you probably also have an outside balcony which provides you with an outdoor recreational space.  Moreover, your building probably also has multiple other “exterior elevated elements” (“EEE”) in the form of decks, stairways, and walkways, which rely in whole or in part on wood structural supports. All balconies and [...]

Residents of Greater Los Angeles Apartments or Condos – Important Information2024-12-19T06:18:20-08:00
18 July

Earthquake Soft Story (ESS) Grant Program is Here


On April 25, 2023, registration opened for the Earthquake Soft Story (“ESS”) pilot program!  This unique government program offers free-money grants of up to $13,000 to eligible Los Angeles homeowners that goes toward a seismic retrofit of their “Soft Story” home, which is defined as a home with at least one floor of living space that is built above a garage.  Such homes are especially [...]

Earthquake Soft Story (ESS) Grant Program is Here2023-11-06T08:08:03-08:00
20 June

Balcony Repair Inspections in California: What You Need To Know


As a reader of Weinstein Construction’s blogs, you are likely already aware of California Senate Bills 326 and 721, also known as the Balcony Repair Inspection Laws.  These laws require that Los Angeles owners of a multi-unit residential apartment building, or a Condominium association of a condo building, conduct a balcony safety inspection for their building and repair any damaged balconies, decks, stairs, catwalks, and [...]

Balcony Repair Inspections in California: What You Need To Know2024-12-19T06:21:07-08:00
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