26 October

How do you prepare your house for a rainy season


Many of our clients really love the Rainy Season here in our fair city of Los Angeles!  Some folks carve pumpkins, others are busy putting together their holiday shopping list, and yes, some of us, especially the homeowners, are starting to think about how we can prepare our homes for the Rainy Season!  As the days get shorter, chillier, and wetter, that is the perfect [...]

How do you prepare your house for a rainy season2025-02-23T13:11:10-08:00
18 October

What is a Gabion Basket Retaining Wall


What are Gabions Our clients often ask us, what are gabions?  Gabions are actually decorative galvanized wire baskets that are filled with ornamental rocks, glass chunks, or other material of your choice.  Such baskets have a dual purpose:  for one, they have tremendous curb appeal and look incredibly attractive, but they can also offer homes and commercial buildings tremendous protection, for example, when they are [...]

What is a Gabion Basket Retaining Wall2025-02-23T13:11:08-08:00
5 June

Types of Residential And Commercial Foundation Repair Services That You May Require


Foundations that are structurally unsound can end up causing hazardous conditions in your home. How do you determine the best course of action when the foundation begins to display signs of damage and deterioration? Foundation repair specialists will first inquire about the type of foundation that you have, then will assess the extent of the damage and accordingly recommend the type of repair or replacement [...]

Types of Residential And Commercial Foundation Repair Services That You May Require2025-02-23T12:32:34-08:00
3 June

What Foundation Repair Specialists Think About House Leveling, Can This Problem be Resolved?


Floor leveling may not seem like a major problem, but it can still be annoying. The doors and windows won’t close, the squeaking of floors can ruin the aesthetics and if untreated it could turn into something much worse. In fact, unleveled floors might be a clue to a bigger issue in the foundation of your house. As soon as you notice the leveling issue [...]

What Foundation Repair Specialists Think About House Leveling, Can This Problem be Resolved?2025-02-23T13:56:42-08:00
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