What is the Earthquake Soft-Story (ESS) Program?

One of our clients, a Los Angeles homeowner who benefited from the Earthquake Brace + Bolt (“EBB”) program, recently called in to ask us, what is the California Residential Mitigation Program (“CRMP”) and its new Earthquake Soft Story (“ESS”) initiative?  We were only too happy to explain that the ESS is a joint initiative created by the California Earthquake Authority (“CEA”) and the Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (“Cal OES”) and that its primary goal is to help Los Angeles homeowners retrofit their homes to better withstand earthquakes, thereby reducing the risk of damage and increasing safety.

The ESS program, particularly the Greater Los Angeles area, has roots in local ordinances and initiatives that emerged in response to the recognized need for seismic retrofitting of vulnerable buildings.  In fact, the CRMP is the same government entity that brought Los Angeles homeowners the EBB program that Weinstein Construction professionals have been helping clients with for many years!

What are the elements of the Earthquake Soft-Story (ESS) Program?

If you are wondering what the ESS program does exactly, the answer is that the program is designed to enhance the earthquake resistance of older homes (built before 2000) that have living spaces above garages, known as “soft stories.  The ESS retrofit will strengthen the garage walls and overall structure of the garage, including the walls on either side of the garage door. Doing so will help prevent the living space over the garage from collapsing into the garage during an earthquake.

This unique program provides free money grants of up to $13,000 to eligible Los Angeles homeowners that can be used for a seismic retrofit of their at-risk homes.  This retrofit makes these homes more resilient to damage from ground shaking during an earthquake by:

  • Strengthening the walls at the home’s garage doors (or other large openings) using plywood or other strengthening elements such as steel columns or shear elements.
  • Bracing the perimeter walls of the lowest story, and if there is a crawl space, reinforcing its cripple walls.
  • Bolting the house to its foundation.

How Los Angeles Homeowners qualify for the ESS Program?

Qualifying for the ESS program is easy, and the great news here is that even if you received a previous grant from the CRMP through its EBB program, that does not exclude you from participating in this new ESS program!  To qualify for an ESS residential retrofit grant, you must check-the-box on all the following criteria:

  • Your home must have been built before the year 2000
  • You must own and live in the home
  • Your home is built on level ground or on a slight slope and
  • Your home must have wood-framed construction.
  • Your home must have a living space over the garage
  • Your home must have no more than two stories
  • You have not already completed a soft-story retrofit on your home and
  • Your home must be located in an eligible ZIP code

If you meet the above-requirements, you then become an ESS-qualified homeowner and can receive a grant of up to $13,000 toward a seismic retrofit for your home!

The CRMP and its ESS program are crucial initiatives aimed at increasing earthquake preparedness and safety in the greater Los Angeles region.  The Soft Story professionals at Weinstein Construction can help you navigate the ESS registration process!  Call us today at (800) 862-6582 to schedule a free inspection of your home for this fantastic initiative that can put up to $13,000 in free government money toward your retrofit project!