Los Angeles is no stranger to earthquakes and has experienced extensive damage in past seismic events, like other cities in California, which has led to significant developments in earthquake technology. Some may say it’s L.A. Since the Long Beach Earthquake of 1933, it has been the epicenter of seismic software growth. Due to its long history of seismic events and their aftermath, Los Angeles has embarked on a leadership role to create a long-term initiative to educate the public, help build owners to seismically reinforce their structures, and enhance community resilience after the next earthquake.
According to the U.S. Geological Survey, there is a 60% probability that an earthquake measuring in magnitude 6.7 or higher will strike the Los Angeles area in the next 30 years; there is also an approximately one-in-three likelihood that the Richter scale earthquake will weigh in at 7.5.
An important part of this is knowing the risks that you may face at the position that you are likely to face during the next major quake: home. Thousands of homes and apartment buildings in Los Angeles are at risk of major damage, while new rules requiring seismic retrofits for some of the most vulnerable buildings will help mitigate the devastation.
Mayor Eric Garcetti issued a report to further improve the city’s seismic preparedness covering telecommunications, water system facilities, and risk building. The report calls for new ordinances, several of which apply to buildings and structures: 1) Sismic Retrofit of Existing Wood-framed Soft-Story Buildings 2) Sismic Retrofit of Existing Non-Ductile Concrete Buildings 3) New Cell Phone Communication Tower Design Requirements In 2016, the City of Los Angeles released a list of more than 13,000 “Soft Story” buildings vulnerable to collapse.
Property owners have seven years to follow these requests, so it’s best to check in with the landlord to get a better idea of when the building will be changed.
To get started today or for more details, contact us today to schedule our Soft Story expert team’s FREE on-site inspection or call us at CALL TODAY now !888.398.8730