How is the weather affecting the risk of soil erosion and mudslides?

We recently had a good chat with one of our clients who asked us, how are changing weather patterns in Los Angeles affecting the risk of soil erosion and mudslides?  Sadly, we had to tell our client that as many homeowners in Los Angeles experienced lately, our ever-increasing rainy weather is significantly increasing the risk of soil erosion and mudslides, especially for hillside homes or homes built below slopes.  This is especially the case in areas stripped of vegetation due to wildfires (i.e., “burn areas”), areas where urban development disturbed the natural landscape and destabilized slopes, and in areas of steep slopes and loose soil.

What is the risk of soil erosion and mudslides for Los Angeles homeowners?

So now that we understand that the risk of soil erosion and mudslides is high, how do we explain that risk?  Well, as rain in the Greater Los Angeles region continues and even increases over time (as it has been doing), it infiltrates the soil on slopes, increasing the soil weight and decreasing its stability.  In turn, the saturated topsoil leads to slope failure, especially in areas with sparse vegetation, causing mudslides and erosion that can destroy roads, infrastructure, and especially home foundations, all leading to extremely costly home repairs.

Sadly, homeowners should know that areas that have experienced mudslides in the past are much more likely to experience them again, especially if they have not been adequately rehabilitated and protected.  Rehabilitation in the form of land-use planning is something that politicians and land-use managers typically take years to plan out.  Similarly, re-vegetation (i.e., planting vegetation in vulnerable areas to help stabilize the soil) is very time-consuming and costly.  As such, engineering solutions (e.g., retaining walls and drainage systems) are really a homeowner’s best options for managing these risks.

What can Los Angeles homeowners do to protect their homes?

Los Angeles homeowners have some terrific engineering solutions that they can use to reduce the risk to their properties, for example building retaining walls and installing proper drainage systems to reduce the risk from mudslides and soil erosion.  Retaining walls are structures that are designed to hold back or support soil laterally, to prevent soil erosion and provide stability for earth that would otherwise shift, slide, or collapse.  Proactive measures such as building retaining walls and installing drainage systems can have a profound impact in lowering the risk from soil erosion and mudslides.

How to calculate the cost of building a retaining wall and installing proper drainage?

The costs of building a retaining wall and installing proper drainage systems can vary significantly based on several factors, including the geographical location of the home, the materials used, and the size and complexity of the wall and drainage system.  Here are some of the main factors influence the cost:


  • The geographical location of the home. It is always the case that construction efforts on a flat area will be less expensive than those for home that was built on a steep and hard to reach slope, which requires more site preparation (e.g., excavation, grading, removing obstacles, etc.).  It is just a fact of life that the steeper and more hard-to-get the slope that your home was built on, the more your construction will cost.


  • The cost of materials. The cost of materials is often one of the more important aspects of the cost of the overall costs of construction.  If you want to build a retaining wall from concrete, wood timbers, or gabion baskets, these options will typically be less expensive than brick or natural stone construction.


  • Wall height and length. For obvious reasons, taller and longer walls require more material and labor, thus increasing the overall cost of construction.  Moreover, large and tall retaining walls may require city permits and professional engineering services, which can range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars.


As your hometown Los Angeles retaining walls contractor, Weinstein Construction will be best able to get you a precise price quote once we can assess your home’s location and your requirements.  Our retaining walls offer numerous benefits, including erosion control, improved drainage, increased usable space, and enhanced curb appeal — all at a fair and reasonable cost. Our retaining wall professionals are ready to help you design and build a retaining wall tailored to your property and budget. Considering a retaining wall? Call us now to discuss your project or schedule a free inspection of your home or property. Reach us at (877) 958-8741.