1 March

What is retrofitting?


Simply stated, it's a process that ties a home together. It increase the resistance to earthquake damage and decreases the risk of injury. In short, it significantly strengthens the house.

What is retrofitting?2023-11-06T07:31:57-08:00
23 February

How much does a Soft Story retrofitting cost?


A Soft Story retrofit cost in Los Angeles varies, depending on the type of building and its size. The following rule-of-thumb often holds true: for a “tuck-under” parking garage, one must design and build one reinforcing structure (either a “moment frame” or a “cantilever column”) for every six parking stalls. Each such reinforcing structure will cost about $35,000 to $40,000. Following this math, if a [...]

How much does a Soft Story retrofitting cost?2023-11-06T07:33:07-08:00
23 February

How long does it take to retrofit a Soft Story building?


The time it takes to retrofit a Soft Story building will of course depend on a variety of factors, for example how many reinforcing structures must be built, how easy is access to the building from the street, whether or not concealed and/or unforeseen site conditions are encountered (e.g., concrete footing underground which must be broken up), the weather, how quickly the custom steel is [...]

How long does it take to retrofit a Soft Story building?2023-11-06T07:33:23-08:00
22 February

Can a property owner / landlord recover the costs of a Soft Story retrofit?


Yes, indeed, the City of Los Angeles’ Tenant Habitability Program, as administered by the Housing and Community Investment Department (“HCIDLA”), can approve a rent increase if a property owner/landlord submits a temporary rent increase request within one year of completing the Soft Story retrofit. The HCIDLA will notify tenants of the increase and the tenants will have the opportunity to submit any objections in writing. [...]

Can a property owner / landlord recover the costs of a Soft Story retrofit?2023-11-06T07:34:21-08:00
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