1 March

What is Erosion Control?


Erosion happens when solid objects (e.g., soil, rocks, structures, etc.) are worn down by the immense forces of Mother Nature (e.g., water, wind, waves, glaciers, etc.).  Erosion can be slow, or swift, but in both cases, erosion can cause serious damage and should to be taken care of immediately.  In Southern California, water and wind are the main causes of erosion and property owners use [...]

What is Erosion Control?2021-09-02T19:53:29-07:00
1 March

How do I know if I need Erosion Control?


Is your home built on a slope?  If the answer is yes, then it is more than likely that you need to employ some erosion control tools and techniques.  If you notice any sort of erosion on or around your property, it should be taken care of immediately.  If you are not sure if you need erosion control at or around your home or commercial [...]

How do I know if I need Erosion Control?2021-09-02T19:39:44-07:00
1 March

How long does Erosion Control take?


A project that involves Erosion Control can be finished in as little as a half of a day.  Some larger, more complex jobs may require more work and may take up to a week to complete. It really all depends on how much work needs to be done to remediate the conditions that give rise to erosion.  Note also, that some jobs may require installing [...]

How long does Erosion Control take?2021-09-02T19:42:31-07:00
1 March

Do I need a permit for Erosion Control services?


Yes, Erosion Control services typically do require a permit for work to be done.  However, there is no need to stress about permits!  If permits are required, Weinstein Construction’s professionals can take care of the entire process for you (or you are welcome to pull the permits yourself if you prefer).   At Weinstein Construction, we do everything by the book and we always make sure [...]

Do I need a permit for Erosion Control services?2024-01-11T14:33:27-08:00
23 February

How much does Erosion Control cost?


Erosion Control is very inexpensive, when compared to the damage that can happen if your home or commercial property needs this service, and you do not get it done!  Not only does erosion damage the landscaping around your house or building, but it can also damage the structure itself!  This is one of those services where a little bit of protection today, can save you [...]

How much does Erosion Control cost?2021-09-02T19:47:57-07:00
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