Dear clients and friends:

I am so pleased to write to you again and I hope this letter finds you, your family, your neighbors and friends, all safe and sound! As you may know, later on this month, we will be celebrating the important day of Rosh Hashanah, which is the Jewish New Year Festival and the first day of the Jewish calendar.

When I wrote to you this time last year, we were still in the throes of a deadly Pandemic and enduring historic economic pain. Today, a year later, and with G-d’s help and blessings, I hope you agree with me that those painful times have begun to recede, and that our lives are beginning to look normal again!

I also want to take a couple of minutes to share with you a few thoughts about Rosh Hashanah. This time period is also so very important because it was when G-d created Adam and Eve, who are considered to be the first man and woman according to all the “Abrahamic” religions (e.g., Judaism, Christianity, Islam, etc.). These two “original humans” whose birthday is celebrated during Rosh Hashanah, are central to the belief that all of humanity are in fact just one big family, as we have all of us descended from this pair of original ancestors! You may ask, what does that mean for us today?

Well, let me explain it this way: do you remember the 1970’s vocal group Sister Sledge and the happy song they released in 1979, titled “We Are Family”? Well, it’s like that! All of us here in America, and indeed, across the entire world, are just one big family! Sure, like a family we don’t always get along and we sometimes quarrel, but at the end of the day, we must remind each other, with positive energy and love, that we are all descended from the same original man and woman, and that we must live with each other in peace, harmony, and love!

And so, let’s celebrate this holiday in traditional ways, by eating apples dipped in honey to represent our hope for a sweet new year, and by blowing a ram’s horn “Shofar” to celebrate G-d’s coronation on earth! And in so doing, please know that, from our family to yours, we wish you a happy, sweet, safe, and prosperous new year, and we ask you
please, from the bottom of our hearts, take care of yourself and each other!