Dear clients and friends:

I hope this letter finds you and your family healthy and safe as we all head into the “final stretch” of 2021! Has it been an “amazing” year? Maybe so for some, and maybe not for others, and yet one thing is certain: this year is ending and we all have something to look forward to, which is the revelation of a new year ahead of us – one full of promise and possibility!

We hear from many of our clients and friends that the December holiday period is one of their favorite times of the year. It’s when folks take time to relax and enjoy the pleasures of food, family, and friends! It’s also the time of the year when some of us get motivated and contemplate making New Year’s resolutions like exercising more, sticking to a healthier diet, or perhaps pursuing a new career. And yet, can we do more?

If it were up to me, I’d ask everyone to consider adopting the following New Year’s resolution as a goal: please be kind to one another! For example, be forgiving to others when they fall short of your expectations… Express your thanks when others do something nice for you… And do something nice for others without expecting anything in return… I am sure you’ll agree it will be a more wonderful and peaceful world if we do these things!

Also, please be on your guard and take care of your health and the health of your friends and loved ones. As we leave 2021 behind and head into 2022, it does look like there’s a substantial uptick in Covid-19 infections and hospitalizations hitting our city of Los Angeles. And so please, please don’t neglect your own safety and the safety of the good people around you.

Finally, know that whatever 2022 brings, our Weinstein Construction family will be there for you and your family in your time of need! May the New Year bring you only love, peace, prosperity, and happiness!