29 September

Importance of Balcony Inspections in LA – 4 Part Series


This is the first blog in a series of four blogs that we will publish over the next few weeks, all having to do with the upcoming legal requirement for residential and commercial apartment buildings in the City of Los Angeles to undertake mandatory safety inspections of balconies and other exterior elevated elements (“EEE”) such as decks, stairways, and walkways, and to repair such EEE, [...]

Importance of Balcony Inspections in LA – 4 Part Series2024-12-19T06:17:18-08:00
20 June

Balcony Repair Inspections in California: What You Need To Know


As a reader of Weinstein Construction’s blogs, you are likely already aware of California Senate Bills 326 and 721, also known as the Balcony Repair Inspection Laws.  These laws require that Los Angeles owners of a multi-unit residential apartment building, or a Condominium association of a condo building, conduct a balcony safety inspection for their building and repair any damaged balconies, decks, stairs, catwalks, and [...]

Balcony Repair Inspections in California: What You Need To Know2024-12-19T06:21:07-08:00
23 May

Balcony Repair Cost: What You Need to Know To Save Money


At Weinstein Construction, we are one of the few experienced balcony repair contractors in the City of Los Angeles and surrounding areas.  We know that as part of your process for budgeting for EEE inspection and balcony repairs, what is top of mind for you is not only how to choose the right contractor for the job, but also how much your balcony repair cost [...]

Balcony Repair Cost: What You Need to Know To Save Money2024-06-15T01:17:34-07:00
15 May

Top 5 Reasons To Get Your Balcony Inspected and Repaired Today!


Many owners of multi-unit residential apartment buildings and condominium associations are by now familiar with California’s new “Balcony Inspection Laws” (SB 721 and SB 326), which have been “on the books” for a few years now and have mandatory compliance requirements.  You should definitely review the Balcony Inspection law requirements of these laws if you are not familiar with them!  For those apartment building and [...]

Top 5 Reasons To Get Your Balcony Inspected and Repaired Today!2024-12-19T06:22:05-08:00
21 March

Los Angeles County Supervisors Require Seismic Retrofitting


On February 28, 2023, and in the wake of the devastating earthquakes that rocked the country of Turkey just a few weeks prior, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to require the retrofitting of older, so-called “non-ductile concrete” buildings that are at a high risk of collapse during a powerful earthquake.  The U.S. Geological Survey has said that such buildings “pose [...]

Los Angeles County Supervisors Require Seismic Retrofitting2023-06-20T07:52:10-07:00
13 March

Apartment And Condo Balcony Safety – 5 Steps To Take


Balconies are an important feature in many residential and commercial apartment buildings in the City of Los Angeles, providing helpful outdoor space and views of the surrounding neighborhood. However, such balconies can also pose a safety risk if they are not properly maintained and inspected.  In recent years, several high-profile balcony collapses have emphasized the need for increased attention to balcony safety. An apartment [...]

Apartment And Condo Balcony Safety – 5 Steps To Take2023-03-06T12:52:56-08:00
16 February

What Can Los Angeles Learn From Turkey’s Earthquake Misery?


It is a well-known saying that those who do not learn from history, are doomed to repeat it.  In the wake of the 1994 Northridge Earthquake, the City of Los Angeles, as well as those living in this earthquake-prone area, have made significant investments in developing new earthquake warning systems, enacting better building codes, and putting into practice important earthquake retrofitting  programs such as the [...]

What Can Los Angeles Learn From Turkey’s Earthquake Misery?2023-02-16T21:06:52-08:00
23 January

Balcony Inspection and Repair Project Scope of Work


Here at Weinstein Construction, we are always hard at work putting together helpful information for our clients, and especially the specific details of each project’s scope of work.  As such, we thought it would be helpful for owners of multi-unit residential apartment buildings, as well as for a home owner’s association of a condo building, to learn more about what a typical scope of [...]

Balcony Inspection and Repair Project Scope of Work2023-01-26T18:27:41-08:00
15 January

How Much Does A Balcony Inspection or Balcony Repair Cost?


If you are the owner of a Los Angeles multi-unit residential apartment building, or the home association of a condo building, you are probably familiar by now with California Senate Bills 326 and 721, otherwise known as the “Balcony Inspection Laws”.  These two new laws require mandatory safety inspections and repair of damaged balconies, decks, stairs, catwalks, and other “Exterior Elevated Elements” (also called “EEE”). [...]

How Much Does A Balcony Inspection or Balcony Repair Cost?2024-05-27T06:32:43-07:00
3 December

Complying with California’s Balcony Inspection Law UPDATE


If you are the owner of a multi-unit residential apartment building, then there is a pretty good chance that you have already heard about the new California Senate Bill 721, otherwise known as the “California Balcony Inspection Law”! Much in the same way that the City of Los Angeles today requires earthquake retrofitting for “Soft Story” buildings that are vulnerable to earthquake damage, the new [...]

Complying with California’s Balcony Inspection Law UPDATE2024-12-19T06:23:11-08:00
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