29 August

Los Angeles Earthquake Soft Story (ESS) Program


What is the Earthquake Soft-Story (ESS) Program? One of our clients, a Los Angeles homeowner who benefited from the Earthquake Brace + Bolt (“EBB”) program, recently called in to ask us, what is the California Residential Mitigation Program (“CRMP”) and its new Earthquake Soft Story (“ESS”) initiative?  We were only too happy to explain that the ESS is a joint initiative created by the California [...]

Los Angeles Earthquake Soft Story (ESS) Program2024-09-03T14:07:13-07:00
21 July

Pre-1950s Built California Homes – What you Need To Know


How do pre-1950 houses sit on their foundation Your home’s foundation is one of the most important aspects of its build, and the health of your foundation should be an integral part of how you ensure that your home remains safe from harm when a natural disaster hits, for example a flood, landslide, or earthquake. We recently had a conversation with one of our clients [...]

Pre-1950s Built California Homes – What you Need To Know2024-07-21T05:34:23-07:00
1 June

How do you prepare your house for the Rainy Season?


What is the Los Angeles Rainy Season? In Los Angeles, the Winter period, from December to February, is our rainiest season.  In fact, according to the National Weather Service, the last couple of years have been some of the wettest back-to-back rain seasons ever!  But before Winter arrives, the Fall season in Los Angeles is just wonderful:  the weather becomes more temperate, we start to [...]

How do you prepare your house for the Rainy Season?2024-07-21T05:28:25-07:00
21 March

Earthquake Retrofit Grants in LA – Free Money For A Safer Home


The Danger Of Homes Built Prior To The 1950s Many thousands of homeowners in Los Angeles, and indeed, in the entire State of California, live in homes that were built in the 1950s or earlier, and as such, were built on foundations intended to safeguard the home in the event of a natural disaster such as an earthquake or a mudslide.  However, while today’s foundations [...]

Earthquake Retrofit Grants in LA – Free Money For A Safer Home2024-03-21T08:53:05-07:00
22 February

Does Your LA Apartment Building Balcony Meet Code? 5 Considerations


Virtually all residential and commercial apartment buildings in the City of Los Angeles have balconies and other “Exterior Elevated Elements” (also called “EEE”) that can pose a safety risk if they are not properly maintained.  In recent years, the high-profile collapse of poor-condition EEEs, especially a balcony that resulted in multiple injuries and deaths of students during a birthday party, have paid out multi-million dollar [...]

Does Your LA Apartment Building Balcony Meet Code? 5 Considerations2024-02-22T07:50:06-08:00
10 February

Balcony Inspection and Repair – Protect Your Tenants & Investment


Balcony Inspection and Repair Legal requirements and liability concerns The State of California has rolled out two new mandatory Balcony Inspection Laws, which were passed by the legislature in 2018 and 2019 in response to the deaths of six UC Berkeley students and the injuries of seven others during the 2015 collapse of a balcony the students were standing on during a birthday party.  Legislators [...]

Balcony Inspection and Repair – Protect Your Tenants & Investment2024-02-10T12:03:58-08:00
6 January

If Your Home Was Built In The 1970s or Earlier Read This Blog Now


We will get hit by earthquakes, and one of those will be the “Big One” Every century, the greater Los Angeles region experiences a substantial earthquake, and seismic experts are united in the belief that our city is long overdue for a significant seismic event!  Our large earthquake will likely originate from the San Andreas fault, located a mere 35 miles away from downtown Los [...]

If Your Home Was Built In The 1970s or Earlier Read This Blog Now2024-01-11T13:43:18-08:00
12 December

Have A Crawl Space? Learn How To Save Up To 25% On Your Bills


California Rainy Season Is here! Annually, when family and friends who live in other parts of the country have to deal with cold and snowy conditions, we happy (and warm) Los Angelinos keep an eye on our calendars for the unofficial start of our "Rainy Season," which begins in mid-October and ends toward the end of April.  Although our weather remains generally pleasant and sunny [...]

Have A Crawl Space? Learn How To Save Up To 25% On Your Bills2023-12-12T13:00:30-08:00
2 December

Soft Story Retrofit Violation Notifications Sent Out – Beware


Los Angeles Commercial property owners have been notified by mail by the City of Los Angeles Office of the City Attorney that they have violated the L.A. Municipal Code Section 12.21A1a with respect to their mandatory compliance with the City of Los Angeles Soft Story ordinances.

Soft Story Retrofit Violation Notifications Sent Out – Beware2023-12-02T18:37:19-08:00
20 November

Santa Monica & Torrance Soft Story Retrofit Program – UPDATE


THE CITY OF SANTA MONICA SOFT STORY RETROFITTING PROGRAM During the 1994 Northridge earthquake, the City of Santa Monica was hit hard, losing about 1,500 apartments, or about 5% of the city’s inventory of apartments.  Many of the damaged structures were wood-framed “Soft Story” multi-family residential apartment buildings, with car port parking on their ground floor, and above, apartment units supported by skinny poles which [...]

Santa Monica & Torrance Soft Story Retrofit Program – UPDATE2023-11-20T17:21:53-08:00
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