23 December

Top 3 Scary Secrets About Basements and Crawl Spaces!


Can you get sick from a crawl space? Once in a while we have to warn our clients about what can go wrong with their basement and crawl space, and yes, we are referring to those “bump-in-the-night” creepy things that homeowners often don’t know much about, until it’s really too late!  A crawl space can be a scary thing! A crawl space is that shallow, [...]

Top 3 Scary Secrets About Basements and Crawl Spaces!2024-12-19T09:03:37-08:00
18 December

What is the Earthquake Brace and Bolt program (EBB) in Los Angeles


What are the chances of “The Big One” happening? Our clients often ask us, what are the chances of the earthquake we have all dubbed “The Big One” happening?  How bad will a huge earthquake be?  Well, does anyone out there really have any doubt that “The Big One” is gearing up to smash our fair city of Los Angeles?  We have talked about this [...]

What is the Earthquake Brace and Bolt program (EBB) in Los Angeles2024-12-19T08:59:33-08:00
29 November

Yet Another California’s Balcony Inspection Law Important Update


Weinstein Construction’s Balcony Inspection and Repair professionals often are asked, almost on a daily basis, “are there any updates on complying with California’s Balcony Inspection Laws?”  We think that’s a great question, and yes, just a couple of months ago, there actually was an important update!  And now there is another important update that you should know about! The update from a couple of months [...]

Yet Another California’s Balcony Inspection Law Important Update2024-11-29T13:24:56-08:00
10 November

How to prepare for earthquakes in Los Angeles


For the past 45 years, Weinstein Construction’s earthquake mitigation specialists have been having an ongoing dialogue with our friends and neighbors in the Greater Los Angeles region, helping them prepare for “The Big One” earthquake, which surely will one day come.  Our clients and friends always ask us:  “what do I need to do to prepare? That’s the best question ever, because, let’s face it, [...]

How to prepare for earthquakes in Los Angeles2024-11-15T17:25:33-08:00
18 September

California Law Ab 968 – California Home Flipper Disclosure Law


What is the flipper disclosure law in California? Over the past few months, we have heard from many of our clients who want to buy or sell single-family homes and condominiums, and they tell us that are interested in learning more about a new California law that may apply to their property. This new law, which is officially called AB-968, is known as the Home [...]

California Law Ab 968 – California Home Flipper Disclosure Law2024-10-15T06:19:03-07:00
8 September

Complying With California Balcony Inspection Laws Deadline Looming


One of our clients, who is a member of the board of a condominium homeowners association, asked us recently if there were any updates on SB 326, the California law that requires condo buildings and housing controlled by condo associations, to undergo safety inspects of their balconies and other “Exterior Elevated Elements”.  We thought this was a great question, as the compliance deadline for such [...]

Complying With California Balcony Inspection Laws Deadline Looming2024-12-19T06:14:30-08:00
29 August

Los Angeles Earthquake Soft Story (ESS) Program


What is the Earthquake Soft-Story (ESS) Program? One of our clients, a Los Angeles homeowner who benefited from the Earthquake Brace + Bolt (“EBB”) program, recently called in to ask us, what is the California Residential Mitigation Program (“CRMP”) and its new Earthquake Soft Story (“ESS”) initiative?  We were only too happy to explain that the ESS is a joint initiative created by the California [...]

Los Angeles Earthquake Soft Story (ESS) Program2024-09-03T14:07:13-07:00
21 July

Pre-1950s Built California Homes – What you Need To Know


How do pre-1950 houses sit on their foundation Your home’s foundation is one of the most important aspects of its build, and the health of your foundation should be an integral part of how you ensure that your home remains safe from harm when a natural disaster hits, for example a flood, landslide, or earthquake. We recently had a conversation with one of our clients [...]

Pre-1950s Built California Homes – What you Need To Know2024-07-21T05:34:23-07:00
1 June

How do you prepare your house for the Rainy Season?


What is the Los Angeles Rainy Season? In Los Angeles, the Winter period, from December to February, is our rainiest season.  In fact, according to the National Weather Service, the last couple of years have been some of the wettest back-to-back rain seasons ever!  But before Winter arrives, the Fall season in Los Angeles is just wonderful:  the weather becomes more temperate, we start to [...]

How do you prepare your house for the Rainy Season?2024-07-21T05:28:25-07:00
21 March

Earthquake Retrofit Grants in LA – Free Money For A Safer Home


The Danger Of Homes Built Prior To The 1950s Many thousands of homeowners in Los Angeles, and indeed, in the entire State of California, live in homes that were built in the 1950s or earlier, and as such, were built on foundations intended to safeguard the home in the event of a natural disaster such as an earthquake or a mudslide.  However, while today’s foundations [...]

Earthquake Retrofit Grants in LA – Free Money For A Safer Home2024-03-21T08:53:05-07:00
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