10 November

How to prepare for earthquakes in Los Angeles


For the past 45 years, Weinstein Construction’s earthquake mitigation specialists have been having an ongoing dialogue with our friends and neighbors in the Greater Los Angeles region, helping them prepare for “The Big One” earthquake, which surely will one day come.  Our clients and friends always ask us:  “what do I need to do to prepare? That’s the best question ever, because, let’s face it, [...]

How to prepare for earthquakes in Los Angeles2024-11-15T17:25:33-08:00
29 August

Los Angeles Earthquake Soft Story (ESS) Program


What is the Earthquake Soft-Story (ESS) Program? One of our clients, a Los Angeles homeowner who benefited from the Earthquake Brace + Bolt (“EBB”) program, recently called in to ask us, what is the California Residential Mitigation Program (“CRMP”) and its new Earthquake Soft Story (“ESS”) initiative?  We were only too happy to explain that the ESS is a joint initiative created by the California [...]

Los Angeles Earthquake Soft Story (ESS) Program2024-09-03T14:07:13-07:00
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